Dr. Amelia Tan Suet May P.Tech

Personally launched, design, and maintain passion blog Work + Passion = Balance since February 2020. Launched professional portfolio website Tan S. M, Amelia along with the publication of first book “From Research to Dissemination of Discovery” in October 2020.

Born and grew up in Kuala Lumpur, lived in Perak, Terengganu, Penang, Sarawak, and Taiwan. Also loves creative writing and creates music under the pseudonym Shermay Teng.

Marine MicroBiotechnologist

My primary research expertise centres on the sustainability and development of bioplastics and biomicroplastics, with a particular focus on polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA).

Holding a BSc in Marine Science, alongside an MSc and PhD in Biotechnology, my academic and research trajectory is uniquely situated at the intersection of marine science and biotechnology. Given the pressing global emphasis on marine environment deterioration and the promising solutions bioplastics present, my investigation into microbially biosynthesised PHA biopolymers aims to develop sustainable alternatives to traditional plastics by utilising beneficial bioplastic-synthesising microorganisms while scrutinising the marine environmental impacts of biodegradable plastics and microplastics. Drawing from my multidisciplinary background, I am equipped to deliver specialised interdisciplinary courses including marine biotechnology and environmental microbiology, while spearheading collaborative research that traverses marine science, biotechnology, microbiology, and biopolymer science.

My research interests in bioplastics encompass the following areas:

• Marine microbial ecology (microbiome associated with plastisphere, sediment, marine sponge, gut of fish and shellfish)

• Ecological and aquatic impacts (bioplastic and biomicroplastic biodegradation, pollutant adsorption kinetics and isotherms, microplastic-pollutant complexes)

• Ecotoxicology and toxicogenomics (pollutant bioaccumulation, RT-qPCR analysis of antioxidant gene expression levels)

• Bioplastic development (bioplastic and biomicroparticle synthesis, biopolymer characterisation, biosynthesis and downstream processing, optimisation, PHA-synthesising bacterial and gene isolation, bacterial metabolic engineering)

Check out my scientific publications here.

Editor | Reviewer |
Author | Proofreader

Review Editor of Frontiers in Marine Science and Guest Editor of PLOS One. Peer-reviewed for over 15 mostly Q1 journals. Authored “From Research to Dissemination of Discovery”, a scientific writing guide book for researchers of all levels. My books are listed here.

Freelance proofreader specialising in dissertations, journal articles, and article-submission cover letters of the biological and chemical fields since 2015. Requests from physical and social fields are considered depending on complexity.


PhD Microbial Biotechnology

2019 – 2024
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • Carried out 6-month research in Academia Sinica & National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
MSc Biotechnology

2016 – 2018
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • Carried out 2-year research in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang

BSc Marine Science

2012 – 2015
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • Graduated with First Class Honours


Review Editor

May 2024 – present
Frontiers in Marine Science

  • Evaluated research manuscripts for originality, significance, methodological soundness, and clarity.
  • Provided constructive feedback to authors on improving their research papers for publication.
  • Contributed to the quality and impact of academic publications in the field of marine sciences, including marine pollution and marine natural products.
Research Assistant

Jul 2022 – Feb 2024
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • Assisted with applying and securing research grants.
  • Conceptualised, wrote, and published scientific articles.
  • Investigated the environmental impact of bioplastics.
  • Assisted with teaching and examination.


Jun 2015 – Sep 2015
Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • Carried out research in microbial metagenomic library construction and gene isolation


Professional Technologist

May 2024
Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)

  • Certified to provide bio-technological services
  • Permitted to use the “P.Tech (Biotech)” title after name
Most Downloaded and Cited Paper Award 2022 & 2023

Jun 2022 & Aug 2023
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science Journal

  • Awarded to article titled “Marine microplastics as vectors of major ocean pollutants and its hazards to the marine ecosystem and humans”
3 Minute Thesis Competition

Apr 2022
Faculty of Science and Marine Environment
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • 2nd place award
Biasiswa Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Scholarship

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • Funded PhD in Microbial Biotechnology at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Dean’s List Award

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

  • 4 semesters Dean’s List

“Amelia is a very determined and passionate researcher with a lot of experience and skills. She has always been organized and curious. Amelia has also been a great mentor and her passion for research and skills in writing scientific papers has inspired me in many ways.”

K. Ganeson
Researching biopolymers, specialising in microemulsions, nanoparticles, biomaterials

“Amelia was very helpful in volunteering to provide her peers a small, grouped sharing session on writing a review article, which has been a helpful one in understanding the steps for completing a review article. It was performed in a coherent manner – she gets the audience’s issue beforehand, explained it accordingly with resources, and catered to other rising concerns.”

Liyana Yamin
Researching climate change adaptation, specialising in small-scale fisheries and non-government organisations